
Aalborg Zoo Danmark
Absolute Carpathian Romania
Alertis Nederland
Arcturos Greece
Ariege Pyranes France
Bärenwald Möritz Deutschland
Baerenparks Deutschland
Bear Country
Berliner Bären Deutschland
Berliner Bärenfreunde e.V. Deutchland
Borås Zoo Sverige
Born Free Foundation UK
Bund der Berliner und Freunde Berlins e.V. Deutschland
Carpathian Large Carnivore Project Romania
Copenhagen Zoo Danmark
De 5 Stora Sverige
De Ours en Peluche
Eurogroup for Animal Welfare
Euroopan eläintarhakartta
European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC)
Foreningen Våre Rovdyr, Norge
Iberia Nature Spain
IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group US
Kolmården Zoo Sverige
Kolmården, Sverige
KORA Carnivore Research Schweiz
Kuterevo: Sanctuary for Bears Kroatia
Margarete Steiff Museum
My Old Bear - Nukkenallemuseo France
Nordens Ark Sverige
Orsa Grönklitt Björnpark, Sverige
Oursement Vôtre
Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta Italy
Parken Zoo Eskilstuna, Sverige
Polar Zoo Norge
Puppenhausmuseum Schweiz
Save a Cub Foundation Belgium
Sue Pearson's Antique Bears
Svalbard Reiseliv AS
Svenska Rovdjursföreningen Sverige
Teddymuseum Hof Deutschland
The Hugglets World of Teddy Bears UK
The Large Carnivore Initiative for Europa (LCIE)
The Northern Forum
The Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project Sverige
The Svalbard Pages
The United Buddy Bears Deutschland
Tierpark Bern Schweiz
Travelling Bears Ireland
Vier Pfoten Deutschland
Wildeyes Nature Photography Belgium
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
WWF Österreich
WWF Belgium
WWF Deutschland
WWF Espana
WWF France
WWF Italiana
WWF Nederland
WWF Norge
WWF Polsce
WWF Schweiz
WWF Sverige

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